Ok, we know that Chicken Wings aren’t exactly a staple down in our region. But globalization, yo! Research states that once you go the chicken-wing way there's no going back! (True Story)
So with so many people loving Chicken Wings like there is no tomorrow, this restaurant dedicated to promote the awesomeness of Chicken Wings, decided that there are Testaments that a Chicken Lover must abide by.
We loved it so much we thought we should share them with you!!
P.S. The Chicken featured here is called The Wingster and the gyan it preaches is called Wingsdom just in case you were wondering. The restaurant is named after him, so careful! He is very fussy about his name!
If you want to check out more of this awesomeness visit their page or even better visit the restaurant! We heard they have some really fun challenges for those who can handle the heat of Chicken Wings!