(Contributed by Ramya Sreeja)
Our parents love us no-matter-what, but there are few expectations they have on us which every kid strives to satisfy but miserably fails..
1) All-rounder There would atleast be one time in your life where your parents complained about either your academics or your sports or your vocal skills or your dance moves or... Well the expectation of them having a 10/10 perfect child is above any child's reach.

2) Honesty We all have lied to our parents at least once, for whatever reasons. Obviously we cannot disclose all our activities or personal matters to them. But the expectation of parents over us being very truthful to them is like barging into our private space! Asal manam chesevi anni chepte papam tattukogalara?

3) Pakkinti babu toh competition We all have heard this statement at least once in our life time -"pakkinti pappu gadu chudu class lo 95%.... race lo 1st... Salary 50k.... ". Okay okay we know it pappu is amazing, but we are fabulous too,aren't we?

4) Bfs/Gfs Parents never imagine us getting into a relationship and having a girlfriend/boyfriend, and when they find out, they get devastated. Hello! It's fine we just have a bae - far better than being thieves or criminals or terrorists,no?

5) The GOOD behaviour When we come home late, we often hear the dialogue "aa gali tirugudu enti...". We attend classes whole day long to maintain the attendance,c'mon, we deserve some friends-time.

6) The relative-lover How can you expect us to smile and be sooo good to relatives when they keep asking irritating questions? Life lo sagam problems anni ee relatives valle vastay telsa!

7) The highest-pay package Only one among my whole peers get the highest package in the job arena.. and no it wasn't me! That few-thousands difference doesn't make a big-deal mom.

8) The mechanic If you are studying engineering (or for that reason any stream) you are expected to be the bike mechanic/electrician/plumber/carpenter/cleaner.... If there is any problem in the computer and we don't know how to

9) Respect and patience We respect them for sure but at times some of the ridiculous questions they ask just makes us burst like a volcano, which in turn buys us a lecture and eventually we get grounded. How to deal with that,how? Ah how i say?

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