9 Alternative Things You Can Do This Diwali, Instead Of Bursting Crackers

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9 Alternative Things You Can Do This Diwali, Instead Of Bursting Crackers

OK, everyone on social media tells to celebrate a #NoCrackersDiwali. But nobody actually tells what to do instead of bursting crackers. Here's a list of interesting things do to this Diwali.

1. Have a 'favorite movie night' @ Friend's place.

2. Make a wish & Light a Sky Lantern

3. Have a nice family dinner, that you've always been planning for.

4. Play Card & Board Games: Housie, UNO, Ludo, Tambola ila.. enno ennenno..

5. Add Color, instead of noise. Decorate your home with lights.

6. EAT like a monster: Diwali is a festival of sweets too.

7. Have a small house party.

8. If you can't resist yourself from burning crackers, try Eco-Friendly crackers instead of normal ones.

9. If nothing else works out, just dance like an animal.