Check Out How Many Of These Aavakayas Your Ammamma Made For You This Summer?!

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Check Out How Many Of These Aavakayas Your Ammamma Made For You This Summer?!

Summer comes with the promise of sweat, heat strokes and massive electricity bills. But every Telugu person in the world will definitely have at least one memory of the summer holidays at their grandparents’ home while all the women of the house get together with massive amounts of mangoes, oils, aava pindi and kaaram.

A tradition has been up for probably centuries, making aavakay every summer and not eating what we made without sending it over to friends or family. Aavakay is our pride, the taste of the real Telugu person. Now aavakay is a ridiculously versatile recipe and has numerous recipes. Read on and check how many you've already tasted this summer.

1. Aavakaaya: The king of the set, the traditional aavakay. Its blasphemy to not have aavakay in your home!

Aavakay indiankhana

2. Allam Aavakay : Allam is ginger so… common sense guys!

Allam Vaishrecipes

3. Bellam Aavakay : You either love it or you hate it. There’s no in between.

bellamavakaya talimpu

4. Dosa Aavakay: Mangoes replaced with dosakay. YUM is the word!

Dosavakay recipetable

5. Maagaya: Only thing that comes to mind is the song… “maagaya lona perugesuknta!” Salted dried mangoes… they don’t need to be made into an aavakay to be enjoyed. Ask Adhrak Abhi, he knows!

maagaya chefandherkitchen

6. Nuvvulu aavakay: Does wonders with the heat of the summer.

nuvvuavakaya howtomake

7. Pulihora Aavakay: Taalimpu also is something we just cannot do without! Put talimpu in avakay and it becomes Pulihora Aavakay.

pulihora_avakaya favmothersrecipes

8. Senagala Aavakay: Add chickpeas in Aavakay and add a tangy munch to the awesomeness of Aavakay.

senagala_avakaya talimpu

9. Thurum Maagaya: Grate the mango like there’s no tomorrow for a regular aavakay and voila!

thurum sailusfood

10. Usiri Aavakay: Aavakay but with usirikaya!

usiri kusumasabhiruchi

11. Vellulli Aavakay For all the garlic lovers out there! Aavakayawith a hint of garlic-y sweetness to the win!

vellulli chefandherkitchen

12. Pesara Aavakay: Made with Pesara Pappu and less kaaram. This one is usually reserved for the little ones of the family.

pesara desibantu

13. Neeti Aavakay: Oil-less water marinated mangoes for the health conscious ones.

Neeti chefandherkitchen