1. A spare mask and a scarf : Yep.. its ok to have a spare mask in our bags and also scarf to cover our scalp and protect our hair (of course, we used to have them even before Corona)

2. Pocket sanitizer : The need of the hour. Just apply it to your hands before touching any things/surfaces outside and after too.

3. Pair of plastic / cotton gloves and glasses for eye protection : Try at your Maximum to use biodegradable materials as hand gloves. These gloves are very useful and help us in avoiding touching the surfaces directly with our bare hands.

4. Pocket disinfectant Spray : When you want to touch dome door knobs, while pulling and pushing the gates, this spray can just come handy..

5. Tissues : Very useful while travelling, for using public toilets, in wiping surfaces

6. A pocket notebook and a pen Try to complete all your things /work at one go. So it would be better to plan those things prior and note them somewhere in ur mobile. I personally prefer carrying a book as it is easily manageable(acc to our own handwriting).

7. A Waterbottle It would be good idea to carry a waterbottle along with you wherever you go so that you can avoid sharing of glasses at common areas.

8. Reusable cutlery set / straw Another useful thing to go into our bags. Instead of using some common cutlery at restaurants/eatery outlets

9. Use cashless / cardless payments wherever possible Yep, digital india ki support chesinatlu untundhi and at the same time, we can avoid hand to hand contact. So, carry a mobile with sufficient charge..

10. A handle bag Avoid plastic, use a cloth bag. Carry it everywhere and take all the things into that bag without taking them directly into your hand.

Do you think anything else needs to be added to the list ? Then please let us know in comments. Also, All These might be difficult to carry at times but ensure yourself to be safe and cautious while you step out of the house. Coz thats all what we can do for now. Stay safe.