10 Avataralu Of The Fierce Goddess: 10 Teachings For The Modern Woman!

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10 Avataralu Of The Fierce Goddess: 10 Teachings For The Modern Woman!

Now everyone knows that Dasara is basically observed worshipping the 10 avataralu of the Goddess Durga Devi. Although, I’m not exactly the worshipping kind, I do indeed find the practice, the philosophy and the symbolism quite thought-provoking. Each of the 10 avataralu of the Goddess have a distinct feature and virtue about them that is meant to be worshipped. And me being me, saw them as driving messages for women to feel and be empowered; for each one of us to be a Goddess in our own stead. Here’s what each avataram teaches as we see it!

1. As Swarna Kavacha Durga: Build yourself an unyielding shield to protect yourself from negativity. Don’t let the people who direct darkness at you steal your shine. Triumph over pessimism.

1- The Hindu

Courtesy: The Hindu

2. As Bala Tripura Sundari: Seek an Experience, be playful, and be youthful. Whatever it was that you were putting off, take the leap. Be a child, enjoy your innocent curiosity. Win over monotony.

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Courtesy: Mother God

3. As Annapurna: Be healthy. Take care of yourself. Give your body the nutrition it needs. If that diet is making you unhappy, stop it. Destroy what is unhealthy.

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4. As Gayatri: Take control. You are your own strength. Only you can save your world. You are Power. Fight it off.

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5. As Lalitha Tripura Sundari: You are beautiful. Give a new meaning to beauty - that of happiness. You are the beholder, you are the beauty. Believe it and it shall be. Slay your insecurities.

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Courtesy: Journeying Into The Goddess

6. As Saraswati: Observe. Acknowledge. Analyse. There is always more to it than what is visible. And there is always something that will help you grow. Seek wisdom. Defeat ignorance.

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Courtesy: Kulture Shop

7. As Maha Lakshmi: Be independent. Making your own fortune gives you a sense of achievement that seldom anything else can. There is surely an easy way out that the society suggests, but claim your own worth. Win your own wealth.

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Courtesy: Deviant Art

8. As Durga: You are the creator. You are the destroyer. Make the right choices. Be a badass. Let the world give you the position you deserve. If it doesn’t, then fight for it. Fight till they fear you. Fight till they worship you. Conquer the world.

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Courtesy: Deviant Art

9. As Mahishasura Mardhini: There will always be those who seem like they can win over you. Those who make it seem like their tyranny is valid, somehow reasonable. Don’t be fooled. Don’t let the unworthy drive you. Crush the dominance.

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Courtesy: Yoh Yoh

10. As Raja Rajeswari: There is a certain peace in realization, in disillusionment. Find your peace. That thing you were hanging on to despite knowing better, let go. It is time. Triumph over the pain.

Raja Rajeswari

You all know, I’m all about women empowerment. But as I wrote I realised that it does just as much for any human being. So men, if any of this helps, then the Goddess’ blessings are upon you too!