Hi, there, you don't know me but i do...
from the first time you entered the class...
when, you answered a question on theory of relative mass...
I met you when you were reading in library and i wasn't...
a magazine about future economics, which i had no clue about....
is she smart?, is she a nerd?., i din't know, beautiful no doubt...
I tried to talk to you, when you parked your scooter,...
and i was well there, plucking leaves, waiting for the hooter...
I know you are getting a faint picture of who i am...
yes, the same person who lent you his compass in class...
and stood outside enjoying my abuse in place..
I know you've seen me in these three years....
at times as a faint shadow, or an unknown friend........
your pale blue eyes remembering every detail...
your every touch, every action turning to be a heart stringer...
I know this is tacky, childish even and a bit stale...
but i am not gifted with an artist's touch and mind...
to paint you in every color, neither am i a singer...
to croon a tune describing your every mood...
nor am i given courage, to flirt with risky denial....
I am but gifted with words to write, so i play with them much...
I can go on and on writing an odyssey about you...
poems for your every dream and desires too....
but all the essence of it would be, I Love You....
A Sweet Love Letter By A Tenth Grader!