Here's How Hyderabad Techies Have Come To The Rescue Of Bangalore's IT Firms In This Time Of Crisis!

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Here's How Hyderabad Techies Have Come To The Rescue Of Bangalore's IT Firms In This Time Of Crisis!

The Kaveri river issue has devastated the beautiful city of Bengaluru. The protests against the SC decision on the division of Kaveri's waters turned violent. The normal working of the city had come to a standstill. Interruption in the transport including, roads, rail and air and inability of the workforce to safely move to and from offices and factories has heavily hit the IT capital of our country. According to ASSOCHAM, nearly 22,000-25,000 crores loss was incurred in this period.

This has heavily impacted Bengaluru’s IT sector, which is the major source of income for the silicon valley of India. People are scared and not willing to spend too much time at work. Productivity has been badly hit, they haven't been able to step into work for several days.

As the IT sector was taking the brunt of this beating, Hyderabad once again stepped in as the saviour. Hyderabadi techies put in extra effort to ensure that the services keep running smoothly. Employees have been spending nearly 12-36 hours at work to keep critical services running.

Several Hyderabad techies had to even sleep right in the office to ensure they could spend the maximum time at the office. This is part of the Business Continuity Plan of the tech companies to ensure that the on-going projects meet all the deadlines. Hyderabad is like the fail-safe plan of tech companies. When Chennai was ravaged by massive floods, Hyderabad took over all the responsibilities from Chennai.

All the work is being offloaded to various centres in like Pune, Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai. Hyderabad has taken the maximum load compared to other cities. Hyderabad hosts a majority of the IT giants to handle such emergencies. You can even say that, Hyderabad is the nation's IT 'anti-disaster' centre. Now that the situation in Bangalore is getting better, lets hope these Hyderabadi Techies get some time for rest.

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