What makes a person great? Is it the paeans written in their name, or the roads and parks named after them?
Really, what makes a person a legend? What makes them stay not just in the pages of history books, but in the hearts of the people?
It is the lives they touch. It is the minds they inspire to do something great. Yes, that is what makes a person truly great. And Kalam Saab was one such person. Here are some invaluable lessons he taught all of us, the blood of the nation!
1. Because he believed in us too, till the very last breath.
2. From being an ordinary person from a small village in Tamilnadu, to becoming India's most venerated leader. It all started with a dream.
3. His colleagues and friends always spoke of his devotion to work; to his dream for the nation.
4. Some naysayers say things like Mission 2020 are lofty ambitions. True, but who has ever achieved anything without even thinking the impossible?
5. Every difficulty is an opportunity in disguise.
6. He always wanted the nation's youth to discover their greatness. So tirelessly he kept sounding alarms, to wake us up.
7. To bring about peace in the world, we have to tame the atom first.
8. Age is not a barrier to the dream. Never.
He may be gone, but the light he has left behind will stay. In each of us!