Ever Wondered Why Mosquitoes bite You and Only You but Not Others?

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Ever Wondered Why Mosquitoes bite You and Only You but Not Others?

Well you got the answers now, according to the study groups from U.K, a recent study on twins has helped them to bust a long standing myth. And NO! It’s not the sweetness of the blood, But, The odour from your body!!

Yes you heard it right the “ODOUR” from your body is what attracts the mosquitoes. Thanks to your genes and bacteria that you smell bad (wait! What?),

Yes there are approximately millions of different types of microbial species around us and every surface of the body has different composition of surface microbial composition, as no two fingers have same prints the same way no two people will have the same percentage of microbial composition.

The study stated that attractiveness of a particular person to mosquito’s sense of smell is approximately 67% because of their odour.

But? Genes and smell how?? No 2 human scent palettes are exactly the same way as the others; there are certain differences the way we perceive chemical odours of other beings! (Hence why you might find yourself weirdly attracted to somebody odours and not to others)

Similar genetically coded sense of smell, is why the mosquitoes are attracted to certain parts of your body more than others.

So, the millions of bacteria and the genes are literally making you a delicious item for the mosquito. Remember spraying that 'Wildstone deodorant' or 'FOG is happening' won’t help you because they can smell you through all that.

“Prapancham lo intha mandi undaga nene enduku”?