These Report Cards Will Give You An Idea Of How AP MP's Performed In Parliament!

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These Report Cards Will Give You An Idea Of How AP MP's Performed In Parliament!
(data sent in by Naga Sravan Kilaru) How many of you know who our representatives are? MP's are our representatives, whose purpose is to be the voice of the people of their constituency. Not many of us are aware who the MP is in our constituency is in the first place. Keeping an eye on their performance is a whole other thing. This data has been made available to the public on government websites. You can visit them anytime. A Facebook youth group has taken up the initiative to bring this data in a much more presentable format to the youth of the state. The page, "Vijayawada Needs You", had published this performance compilation of the MP's of AP. A novel way to present this data, surely this will reach a greater percentage of the population. Some key things you need to remember when reading this data: Attendance %: This is pretty much straightforward. This is an indicator of how many sessions the MP has attended out of the total. Questions Asked: During the Question hour, MP's can pose questions to the ministers of the cabinet on matters that they are responsible for. This is done purely so that every member is absolutely clear on why a certain policy is being implemented. Debates: The debate section, sees members of the parliament engage in a back-and-forth discussion about the repercussions of various policies. Private Member Bill: A private member Bill is a proposal for the introduction of a law by any legislator who is not acting on behalf of any member of the executive branch. NOTE: These key stats have been provided alongside national and state averages just give you a contrast. k.Narayana Rao K.Haribabu JCDiwakarReddy Geetha K G.Jayadev G Gangaraju SPY Reddy Thota Narasimham V.Varaprasasd Rao Y.V Subbareddy YSAvinashReddy Butta Renuka (1) RammohanNaidu R. Sambasiva Rao PV Midhun Reddy P.Ravindra Babu N. Sivaprasad Murali Mohan Malyadri Sriram Maganti Babu M. Srinivas Rao M Rajamohan Reddy Kristappa Nimmala Kesineni Nani