Look at us, patting our backs about the wonders of technology and at the same time condemning it for taking over our lives. While we debate our advancement, the native tribes of the Telugu States are surviving (also thriving) without our definition of modernity. While some are clinging to their culture by a thread against the forces of “advancement” thrust on them, despite them being completely well-rounded communities, some aggressively protect their culture.
These tribes that are living a self-sufficient and socially capable way of life would make us question whether being urban is indeed being developed.
1. Chenchu: Often found in the Nallamala forest region of Andhra Pradesh, the Chenchu tribes are one of the most self-sufficient tribes of India. Hunting, growing and bartering amongst themselves, Chenchus prefer to stay close to nature. Why would they not… They worship their Goddess of Forests.
Source: The Hindu
2. Gond: Speaking a dialect of the Telugu tongue, Gonds reside in the districts of Northern Telangana. This is considered the largest tribe in all of Central India with a population of about 1.1 crores. They are possibly the migrants of the historically advanced Indus Valley Civilization.
Source: bastar.gov.in
3. Savara: Occupying the Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam districts, Savara tribes cover more than 5% of the total tribal population of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Their settlements consist of row houses designed for joint families which are aggressively loyal to kinship.
Source: India Water Portal
4. Gadaba: Known predominantly for their Dhimsa dance, despite their small numbers, Gadaba are a very prominent tribe in the Telugu states. They are an agricultural tribe with rich traditions, but have been largely displaced due to the construction of hydro-electric dams.
Source: Wikipedia
5. Lambadis: Telangana and Andhra Pradesh hold the highest number of population from this tribe. Also known as the “Gypsies of the Deccan”, they are known for coloured dress, striking folk ornaments and bangles.
Fun Fact: Their name came from the British nickname for them due to their tall appearance, "long bodies".
Source: Hindustan Times
6. Koya: Largely covering the parts of Warangal, Khammam, Karimnagar, East & West Godavari, they are possibly one of the only primitive tribes that believed the Evolution Theory. According to their epics, life began in water.
Source: Incredible India
7. Bonda Poraja: Bonda tribe a fast declining (with a current population of 12,000) yet socially advanced tribe thriving in the borders of Telangana. Bonda is a majorly matriarchal system and the women’s elaborate jewellery is meant to protect them from the wilderness when they hunt for food for the family.
Source: Koraput
8. Andh: Once ruled by the Andhra Dynasty, Andhs live primarily in the hills of Adilabad District. Andh women are relatively empowered in comparison with our modern society. This tribe allows widow-remarriages and divorces without the stigma that our society experiences.
Source: Pinterest
And yet we think we are the evolved ones.