Here Is Everything You Need To Know About The Brand New Passport Regulations!

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Here Is Everything You Need To Know About The Brand New Passport Regulations!

In a bid to simplify the procedure for obtaining a passport, the government of India has introduced some new regulations. These new regulations will now make the further simplify the process of applying for a passport for sadhu, single parents and orphaned children.

The older regulations make it mandatory for anyone born after the 26th of January, 1989 to have a birth certificate. The new regulations removes this restriction by allowing any of these 8 documents as a proof of Date Of Birth (D.O.B).

1) Birth Certificate that has been issued by the Municipal corporation or the Registrar Of Births & Deaths. 2) A Matriculation certificate or transfer certificate or school leaving certificate that contains the DOB of the applicant. 3) PAN Card issued by the IT Dept. 4) Government Aadhar Card. 5) A copy of the applicants Extract of service record (for government servants) or pay pension order (for retired government orders) that have been attested duly by the minister of the department or the officer in-charge of the applicant. 6) Driving license issued by the applicants concerning state department. 7) Election Photo identification card issued by the election commission of India. 8) Policy bond that has been issued by any public life insurance company

The new rules will look to simplify the overall process for various sections of the society. After several applications regarding the children of single parents and adopted children, these new rules will be put into place.

1) Children of single parents need to mention the name of either mother, father or a legal guardian but not both. 2) The total number of annexes required for the passport has been brought down to 9 from the previous 15. Annexes A, C, D, E, J and K have been removed. 3) All annexes can be self attested from now on. No need for attestation from any gazetted officer or notaries or magistrates. 4) Married applicants need not provide an Annexure K or any marriage certificate. 5) Divorced and separated applicants need not mention the names of their spouses. There is no need to provide a divorce decree even. 6) Orphaned children who don't have a certificate of birth can provide a declaration by the head of the orphanage confirming the DOB of the applicant. 7) Children born out of wedlock will need to provide only Anexxure G along with the application. 8) Domestically adopted children will not need to submit any registered adoption deed. Even a declaration to this effect on a plain paper by the applicant will also do. 9) Government servants who are unable to obtain the NOC from their respective employers can even submit a self-declaration along with Annexure-N that he/she has given a prior intimation to his/her employer informing them about the application process. 10) Sadhus and Sanyasis can apply for a passport with the name of a spiritual guru instead of their biological parents. They will only require one public document like the Election ID, Aadhar Card, PAN Card where the spiritual Guru's name has been mentioned in place of the parents.

Source : Factly

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