We usually get vegetables from the weekly market or a nearby vegetable shop. If it is really urgent and we dont have time to get them ourselves, we order our groceries online. But the price difference between the vegetables ordered online and the ones we get in our markets is huge as the local vendors dont charge us with the transportation, VAT, etc despite earning money that will make their ends meet.
Keeping the trend of online shopping in mind, the AP State Agriculture Department in association with JNTU-Kakinada, is developing an app for this purpose where customers can place their orders for fresh vegetables from their phones and computers. The app and back-end system will be ready by the end of June as the AP Government is in talks with the farm producers’ organizations regarding their demands.
There will also be experimental e-kiosks set up in East Godavari to check for the demands of the customers. These e-kiosks will be opened between different time intervals in different places depending on the supply of the vegetables and flow of the customers.
We hope this becomes a success as it is a win-win situation for both farmers who will have advantage of selling vegetables depending on their demand and customers who will not have to travel too far to buy vegetables.