We're sure you've seen some failed attempts of drawing or sketching in your lifetime with amateurs or lesser-skilled artists. (See the up-next story for reference!) Now, we love artists! And we love it when they are incredibly good. And if they are beyond incredible then we show our love by posting about them.
We are delighted to be featuring Kumar Burra Arts on Chai Bisket!
This guy makes Photorealistic sketches and they look so real that you would confuse them for B&W Photographs. If you think we are exaggerating you have to see this!
Tell me that doesn't look like a sculpture! I dare you!
This one gets me everytime!! Just cannot get enough of it!
Every detail on point! He calls this one "The Tattoo".
This much perfection should be illegal.
Original photograph on the left, his sketch on the right. Can you tell the difference??
No sketchbook is complete without one of these!
He drew water!
Meet the man of the moment!! Kumar Burra!
Well, our jaws are still on the ground. If you want to see more of his work, appreciate him or request for artwork, then his name is Kumar Burra and this is his page!