One of the biggest advantage of writing GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test Engineering) is that you can opt colleges for M Tech in one hand and also grab an opportunity to get into a PSU (Public Sector Unit). Many PSUs offer interview calls through your GATE score and this year many PSUs announced their approval of considering GATE scores for Recruitment procedure for CIVIL ENGINEERING graduates and out of which deadline for few PSUs are over. We are presenting you the PSUs which still have date to apply for and the PSUs which are yet to announce their Application dates.
1. PGCIL (Power Grid Corporation of India Limited) (Also for Electronics and Electrical Departments) - 5-01-2018 to 31-01-2018 - CLICK HERE
2. THDC (Tehri Hydro Development Corporation Limited) - 05-01-2018 to 31-01-2018 - CLICK HERE
3. IOCL(Indian Oil Corporation) - 08-01-2018 to 11-02-2018 - CLICK HERE
4. HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum) - 12-01-2018 to 12-02-2018 - CLICK HERE
***PSUs that are yet to announce their dates for recruitment procedure.***
5. NPCIL (Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited) - Advertisement will be released within 10 days after GATE Results - CLICK HERE
6. WB SEDCL (West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited) - CLICK HERE
7. AAI (Airport Authority of India) - CLICK HERE
8. BSPHCL (Bihar state power holding company Limited) - CLICK HERE
9. CEL (Central Electronics Limited) - CLICK HERE
10. edCIL (Educational consultants India) - CLICK HERE
11. HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited) - CLICK HERE
12. IRCON (Indian Railway Construction Company limited) - CLICK HERE
13. KRIBHCO (Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited) - CLICK HERE
14. MRVC Ltd (Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation) - CLICK HERE
15. NALCO (National Aluminium Company Limited) - CLICK HERE
16. NBCC (National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited) - CLICK HERE
17. NFL (National Fertilizers Limited) - CLICK HERE
18. NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) - CLICK HERE
19. NHPC (Hydroelectric power generation company) - CLICK HERE
20. RVNL (Rail Vikas Nigam Limited) - CLICK HERE
21. NLC (Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited) - CLICK HERE
22. OPGC Ltd (Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited) - CLICK HERE
23. RITES (Rail India Technical and Economic Service) - CLICK HERE
24. PSPCL (Punjab State Power Corporation Limited) - CLICK HERE
25. ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation) - Tentatively in March/April 2018 - CLICK HERE
*Note - These PSUs offer Jobs to other Engineering branches also but I confined this article only for Civil Engineering Graduates and hence didn't included other PSUs which are recruiting other Engineering Branches but not Civil. Check the links of respective PSUs for their advertisements which are yet to be announced in few days. Thank you and hope this helps you in fetching your dreams.