PV Narasimha Rao since the beginning of his career as a freedom fighter, has been a force to reckon with. No, not as someone who raised slogans and lead rallies. A silent warrior, a man of action… In today’s words he gave zero f’s about what ought to be; only what is good for the nation in his understanding. This is Chai Bisket’s tribute to a great individual. Take a look!
1. A pretty well known fact about him but definitely needs a mention: He was fluent with 17 languages which included Indian as well as foreign ones.
2. He was a native of Warangal district, born in Lakinepalli near Narsampet. His primary education was from KArimnagar district and passed out as a graduate from our very own Osmania University of Arts.
3. He was the first Prime Minister outside of the Nehru-Gandhi family, to complete a 5-year tenure. He was also the first Non-Hindi South Indian to assume position as Prime Minister.
4. He was an active implementer of the Land Ceiling Act. It means that no individual or family can own any more than a fixed amount of land. This abolished the Zamindari aristocracy for good measure.
5. Rao's government introduced the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA), <60> India's first anti-terrorism legislation. Who knew it would come so much handy in the following years.
6. He once won from Nandyal with a victory margin of a record 5 lakh votes. How big was this win you ask? It was recorded in the Guinness Book Of World Records.
7. He was a rebel! He broke norms by appointing an economist as Finance Minister instead of a politician. His name was Manmohan Singh.
8. He once appointed an Opposition party member as the Chairman of the Commission on Labour Standards. It has never happened in the history of Indian politics yet, that a ruling party bestowed a cabinet rank to someone of the opposition.
He was beyond politics.
9. Guess who came up with NSE? It was a huge leap in terms of technology and economy and in just two years it became the largest exchange in India.
10. The Insider, was a very graphic yet “fictional” piece, based on his own experiences that is said to be as controversial as it can get. It took 20 years for the book to get published finally by Penguin India.
11. Only one person can be a polyglot, an editor, a lawyer, a computer programmer, a freedom fighter, a Chief Minister and a Prime Minister in one lifetime.
PV Narasimha Rao is indeed an inspiration but there was only so much we could compile in this little space. He will be remembered for all that he has ever accomplished and more.