If you are not paying attention, prepare yourself for a parched future. Water is a precious commodity. The rapid expansion of our race is slowly using up much of the potable water on the planet. Even the water from the bosom of mother earth is slowly disappearing. The borewells that draw water from under the ground up to us are drying up.
Climatic changes, rampant human callousness is draining our ground water at unbelievably fast rates. A Hyderabadi NGO has started a much needed campaign to try and save our precious borewells. SAHE, has has started #Save10KBores, a social media campaign that aims to educate and motivate others to try and rejuvenate their ground water reserves using natural means. This project will not utilize any sizeable amount of current. Simple rain water can be harvested to top up the ground water reserves.
Such simple initiatives can all add up to create an impact in the future. It is time we pay attention to the problem that is staring at us in the face. Do your bit to save the bores.