Telangana NRIs Come Up With A Brilliant Plan To Save Lives During Cardiac Arrests!

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Telangana NRIs Come Up With A Brilliant Plan To Save Lives During Cardiac Arrests!

Now a days, treating Cardiac arrests efficiently is becoming a nightmare thanks to the hectic traffic that rudimentary ambulances have travel through. To help this situation, doctors from Telangana who settled in US, have decided to equip 108 Ambulances with Automated External Defibrillators or AED.

What is AED? An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a lightweight, portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart. The shock can stop an irregular heart rhythm and allow a normal rhythm to resume following sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest is an abrupt loss of heart function. If it’s not treated within minutes, it quickly leads to death.


This project is initiated by TOGKMAA (Telangana Osmania, Gandhi and Kakatiya Medical Alumni Association ). Hope all the NRIs take inspsiration from these doctors and help in increasing better healthcare in the rural parts of the state.

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