So it seems like we just cannot stop coming across people with ridiculously eye-catching talents and lately, we have had the privilege to come across Sana Anil Kumar of Karimnagar, who has this incredible talent called shadow art. It's basically arranging random objects in the path of light to form a certain shadow. The arrangement looks pointless as it is but the output as a shadow seems like sorcery!
He calls his art Sana Inno 'Vision'. Take a look at some of his gems.
Let's begin with the Gods!
Durga Devi
Murali Krishnudu
Telangana Talli
Govinda Govindaa!
The one that Rajamouli shared. Vinayakudu
Imagine being able to depict places and monuments in shadows!
Statue of Liberty
Mana Charminar
No set is complete without the Taj Mahal!
Malaysian Twin Towers, The Petronas Towers. Who knew they were just that simple as shadows.
Topping it off with some patriotism!
And now for popular people! This time you guess!
The one who redefined comedy!
And the King of Pop.
Embodiment of Non-Violence
Ok if you're thinking shadow art is all that he can do, then you're so mistaken. It seems like he can create art with anything around him! Seriously!
We were in awe of his work. If you are too then send him some love at his Facebook Profile, Sana Anil Kumar or his Facebook page, Sana Inno 'Vision'.