If you observe closely, you would notice a few oddly shaped rocks that seem to have been randomly placed on sea shores. These identical rocks are all interlocked with each other. Have you ever wondered why these rocks are present on the shores? Have you wondered what practical purpose they can possibly serve? Well here's the answer to those questions.
Those interlocked rocks are called Tetrapod rocks. The word Tetrapod in greek means four legged. If you observe a tetrapod, you will see four legs protruding from a middle structure just like a star fish. The name has become so famous that now even the three-legged concrete structures are also known as tetrapods. These are used to prevent coastal erosion.
The specialty this shape is that, no matter how you place it, it is always upright, which is makes it stable under very testing conditions, since it always falls back in place. The shape is favorable to interlocking, which allows several such pieces to form a fairly stable barrier.
How it works? The design of the Tetrapod is very interesting. Their weight and the shape ensures that it always remains upright no matter how you place it. This in turn ensures that they can withstand the most extreme weather conditions. The tetrapods interlock mutually to dissipate the force of any oncoming waves. The incoming water from the waves is dissipated as they flow through the gaps between the rocks. Several tetrapods arranged together form a porous barrier that can withstand even the most brutal tidal assaults. These rocks are the reason why rising sea level and the unpredictable nature of the waves are kept at bay.
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