Evandoi..pushpa teaser chusara. Ayina ee question adagadam waste lendi ipatike 41M views and still continuing. Asalu #4 on trending ante ardam cheskondi..AA and Sukumar mass. Expectations taggadhe le mari...Hold on hold on..Ee oka dialogue chalu ga! So ee dialogue tho mana Chaibisket families- Girl formula and boy formula vaalla vaalla versions tho memes ready chesi me mundhu presenting amma. Chusi enjoy enjaami cheyandi.

Annatu marchipoyanu.. instagram girl formula exclusively for girls. Follow avthunara? Avvakapothe ipude follow kotteyandi.
Posts credits- Venky mama

So my dear girls and boys ma version memu ichipadesam. Me version me3ru comments lo ichi padeyandi!