Here Is Your Chance To Vote And Decide On India's First Ever Hyperloop Route!

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Here Is Your Chance To Vote And Decide On India's First Ever Hyperloop Route!

Hyperloop, the innovative technology proposed by Elon Musk. This involves transporting magnetically levitated capsules at very high speeds through low pressured vacuum tubes. Hyperloop One is a company that builds high speed transportation systems in between cities. This kind of transportation systems will reduce the costs of freight and passenger transportation.

As part of the Hyperloop One global challenge, the company invited people from around the world to submit viable plans for cost effective transportation in their respective countries. India sent in the highest number of entries to this project. So here is a list of the five Indian semi-finalist entries and their proposed routes.

You can participate in the poll to choose which route is built. Once a city wins the poll, the company will sit with the city officials and decide on the commercials and bring it to completion. You can vote for your preferred route Here